A Rock Of Ages

A Rock Of Ages

A Rock Of Ages

Charlie and Ruth arrive at half past six. They've been coming here for years and may have the happiest marriage I've ever known. He has always been content with Ruth's love and she with his.

I married their daughter thirty years ago.
Betty and I have a daughter, Donna. We modeled our lives after Charlie and Ruth until I lost Betty fifteen years ago.

Donna's wedding was the most fulfilling day of my life apart from her birth.

Just As I Am

Jerry You are the reason I may never get to heaven
My life is a slow drowning in a bitter sea of tears
You’ve been someone I could cling to, and I’m believin’
That you are the one I could love for a thousand years

Gail You offer love, but I’ve never known those tender feelings
You are just one in a long, long string of men
You invite me into your world, promise joy to set my mind reeling
Try to step into my heart, that’s somewhere no one has ever been




You are the rock I’ve built upon, through the ages as no other
You are someone much closer than just a “friend”


You are the rock that I cling to when storms rage through the night


But you turn off your devotion when I turn out the light


You give me hope and compassion when the whole world puts me down
You’re the rock on which I can touch the sky


Yet this rock breaks apart once the fire no longer rages


It ain’t love, but for tonight, we’re as sturdy as the rock of ages




You are the girl I’d love to have and hold forever
In my heart, in my arms, and in my bed
My mind is a whirl as each bind you patiently sever
The fires of youth once more fanned inside my head


You’re chasing dreams I don’t see, treasure you can’t find
You search for a rainbow’s end, seek the gold at the end of it’s line
With noble schemes and plans for a life as “you and me”
I always called you “friend,” but never once thought you were “mine”



You are the rock I’ve built upon, through the ages as no other
You are someone much closer than just a “friend”


You are the rock that I cling to, as the flames of our night rages

We ain’t got love, but for tonight,
We’re as sturdy as the rock of ages

Lyrics Copyright 1998-2000 by

W Paul Cary

CARCEN Productions